…”here all 3 members of the trio have an intrinsic sense of trio as a whole and that allows them to find their own space —keep true to their own space but allow the trio as an organism to unfold in natural counterpoint in a well paced-relaxed way which elevates the vast tonal elements of all the instruments to contribute to a sound garden that is clear and inviting”…
Matthew Shipp – (liner notes)
…”La música de Algo en un Espacio Vacío refleja la búsqueda de dos artistas que se entregan sin frenos al devenir del arte, a veces como medium, otras veces como los conductores de una potente locomotora. En todos los casos poniendo el cuerpo y exponiendo la potencialidad entre dos cuerpos sonoros que se encuentran en un espacio, quizás vacío, pero vacío de posesiones, un tercer espacio que no le pertenece ni uno ni al otro y que quizás sirva como promesa de completud, utopía… horizonte. En todo caso, es el espacio donde suena la obra el que termina de darle forma al sonido, por lo tanto me agrada saber que cada oyente tendrá su propio espacio y será el también ese algo dentro de un espacio vacío”…
Gonzalo Messi (El Inodoro de Cristal)
…”The SLD Trio is all about creating a new musical language based on impressions from the natural andmusical world, but in the universe of this trio, past, present and future seem to coexist. All that is left is the sparkling intensity of sounds, rhythms and melodies created in the moment. Truly music worth hearing”…
Jakob Baekgaard (All About Jazz)
…”This is the music of three wise and very skilled musicians, not delivering an oration, preaching, advertising, not straining their voices, or being reduced to a whisper. It is not political music or music of witness in an overt sense, but given the context, conversing together in a open, relaxed, and imaginative way is itself political. It seems to me that this is part of a dialogue with history, and one hopes the world is listening”…
Andrew Drury (Liner Notes)

…”Paula Shocron, in Los vínculos, has found a way to inhabit her ghosts, as it were; she brings us to a realm that is at once familiar yet always unexpected, continually finding new life…”
Jason Weiss (Liner Notes)
…”Shocron, Parker, and Diaz pull from all stretches of their instruments, the most melodic and beautiful to the most inaccessible and harsh. They each play and move between different roles, sometimes leading the collective along, sometimes providing support for others to take the helm. In true nendo dango fashion, their multiplicities intertwine to weave together lush, dizzying music”…
Paige Johnson-Brown (The Free Jazz Blog)

“…These musicians are indeed creating their own musical language, both swinging and abstract, melodic and dissonant, and it is as original and daring as the heroes they salute”…
Jakog Baekgaard (All About Jazz)
Grabación del concierto en vivo realizado el día 3 de octubre de 2017 en Estudio Libres, Buenos Aires.
Más discos en Nendo Dango Records

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